“We do not attract what we want; we attract what we are”. The law of attraction tells us that everything in this universe is energy, material things and everything that we cannot see but know exists.

Our thoughts are energy and that energy emits vibrations, which attract things or situations that vibrate in the same tune. We are using the word “things”, but we are talking about thoughts, feelings, people, objects, situations and everything else in our universe.

That is why it is so important to know ourselves, to connect with ourselves and to know what our beliefs are.

Beliefs are ideas to which we give a feeling of total certainty and which we do not question. They are formed by our conditioning or by references; the more references we have about a belief, the stronger and more ingrained it becomes in our subconscious.

Beliefs are formed by verbal repetition.

Example: You have been told countless times that you were not good at mathematics, and you never asked yourself if that was true, why? Because you believed it by modelling (what you see or have seen) and by high emotional impact (once you did very severely in a math test and your teacher told you in front of all your class that you were really very bad in that area, which generated a lot of embarrassment and you could never forget it).

Today, you believe that you are terrible at numbers, and everything we feel, think, and say has to be verified by our subconscious, the tremendous manifesting mind.

Beliefs are like crystals through which we see and live our reality. They can be global beliefs, which relate to the culture to which we belong, religion, etc., or personal beliefs, which relate to our life experiences.

Now that you know how to identify a belief, we are going to tell you the three steps that you should do every day, but first, let us tell you that.

Science studies the power of words, the vibration they emit, and their energy. As linguistic beings, we communicate through words with others and with ourselves. We have about 60,000 daily thoughts that are repeated between 60 and 70% of the time.

So we ask you: What are the thoughts that inhabit you? What does your conscious mind talk about every day? Does it talk about possibilities or does it talk about fears, anxieties, impossibilities? How do you communicate with others? Daily complaints, anger, guilt?

Now that you have done this exercise look around you: How is your reality? Is it the reflection of your thoughts and words? Are you achieving your dreams, objectives and goals?

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction teaches us that thoughts (conscious and unconscious) influence people’s lives, arguing that they are energetic units that will return to the person an energetic wave similar to the one emitted. “That is why it is said that we do not attract what we want; we attract what we are.” We are what we believe and what we think, and according to that, we act.

3 Key Steps to apply the Law of Attraction

How many times have you waited for a result that does not come, and you have questioned your actions? How many times have you wondered why some things are more accessible to attract and others are not? That happens because you are not vibrating internally with what you want, so we share these 3 essential steps to manifest faster.

Step 1: Have Clarity. When we know what we want to be/do/have, everything is much easier. Words are creators and vibrate attracting the same tuning. Recognize yourself in order to have clarity in what you think, feel and say. It would help if you had a concrete and precise idea of what you want to attract in your life. You can write it down to remember it and read it often.

Step 2: Raise the Vibration. As we told you before, according to what we vibrate in, we attract. That is why it is important to build positive emotions that help you manifest what you desire. We recommend you visit your desire several times a day to feel the emotion that it is already yours and belongs to you.

Emotion is creative, so encourage yourself to feel from the deepest part of your being and get excited when visualizing. You can accompany yourself with tools such as the vision board, affirmations, decrees, and intentions. You can also incorporate the habit of meditation, a great habit of success that helps you connect with your being, raise your energy, and visualize.

Step 3: Take Action. This last step is the one that most people need to remember to do and that Law of Attraction mentors forget to name. It is a crucial step. This step is necessary for the Law of Attraction to work, and you will believe that it is a lie.

For this reason, at Creators, we focus heavily on this third step and offer workshops and courses so you can take concrete actions to fulfil your goals and dreams.

You must get down on paper according to what you want to accomplish and what actions you are going to take to get closer to fulfilling your objectives, goals, dreams and purposes. Without action, there is no attraction. From creators, we support the importance of the habit of planning and how a 1% focused daily allows us to move towards our goals.

Keep in mind that if we act coherently, we will send the universe the right message and delay the process.


Tania Gabrielle is an astrologer, numerologist, and psychic. She is the creator of Numerology Academy - the first online certification course in Astro-Numerology. The course has been taught to thousands of students across 37 countries.

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