
Tania Gabrielle


Being likeable is a key to building strong relationships and thriving in social settings. Whether you’re at work, with friends, or meeting new people, your ability to connect and leave a positive impression matters. This test is designed to help you reflect on your interpersonal skills and discover how likeable you are. By honestly assessing your behaviors and attitudes, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance your social interactions. Ready to find out where…

Yellow is often associated with sunlight, warmth, and brightness; its spiritual connotations spans cultures and traditions around the world. Yellow can represent joy, enlightenment, creativity – however its meanings can be nuanced and varied depending on culture or tradition. We will discuss various spiritual meanings associated with yellow that affect emotions, thoughts and spiritual well-being in this article. Yellow’s Significance in Cultures For centuries, yellow has been revered as a sacred color across cultures. For…

Self-talk, inner chatter, on-going self dialog, the little voice in our heads… either you are conscious of it or not, we all do it… all day long. From the moment we are born, we are interacting with and absorbing information from our surrounding environment. This is how we grow up, by relating to, connecting with and learning from the encounters and events that happen around us. In time, we become creatures of habit and develop…

Do you remember all the hype regarding Virtual Reality about 10 years ago? If you believed what the experts were saying back then, we would be spending our time today exploring alternative worlds and having a lot of fun with adventures as special agents, powerful warriors or even superheroes … all as if we were really living the experience right there and then. Sadly, technology has not gotten quite there … and maybe it never…

Reiki is a Japanese Healing Art based on ancient wisdom. From health to financial abundance, Reiki can be used to create abundance in every aspect of life. The word itself derives from two elements. ‘Rae’, which means Universal, and ‘Ki’ that refers to Life Force Energy, or that which gives us life. Thus we can refer to Rei-ki as The Universal Life Force Energy or the vital energy that’s we are connected to through breath. Every time we breathe, we bring into ourselves this Universal Life Energy. It…

Numerology is the study of the mystical significance of numbers, and it is believed that numbers can provide insight and guidance from higher realms. One such number that has garnered interest in numerology and spiritual circles is the angel number 427. Understanding the meaning of the 427 angel number can offer profound insights into one’s life path and spiritual journey. This article delves into the various aspects and interpretations of the 427 angel number. In…

Numbers hold a special place in our universe and often appear more than simply as mere coincidences. Of these numbers, one that stands out is 222 when it appears when thinking of someone special – such an encounter can be fascinating and prompt questions about its significance and meaning. Let’s delve into this mysterious realm of angel numbers such as 222 to see what its appearance might signify for your relationships or thoughts of another…

Numerology, the mystical study of numbers, often associates numerical sequences with specific spiritual or cosmic meanings. Among the myriad angel numbers, 1133 stands out for its potent and harmonious vibrations. When you start seeing 1133 repeatedly in your daily life, it’s believed that your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you. This number isn’t just a random occurrence; it’s a signal from the universe, nudging you toward self-awareness and personal development. Understanding the meaning…

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian word meaning literally “to make right” or to correct errors. This word is used to describe a technique to problem solve in which family members gather to improve relationships through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness. Much like a group mental cleansing, Ho’oponopono is a way to release past grudges, to let go and live at peace with yourself and those around you. The practice goes back…

When abundance and prosperity are your goals, there are simple techniques to use in order to achieve all that you desire. This doesn’t need to be difficult either. Too often, I talk to folks who complicate the idea of creating abundance in their lives. First of all, get into the mindset that while you have goals and dreams that you’d like to see manifest in the physical world, they all begin with what you create…